Changing times
Various news, because it’s been a loooong time since I last wrote something :
- I've been accepted (again!) into Google's Summer of Code program (2006, this time). I'll be working on the One Laptop Per Child project, and will be mentored by Federico Mena Quintero (great honor : he's one of the founders of GNOME, among other things). Thanks Google!!!
- Ubuntu, Linux for human beings, has just released a new version, codenamed Dapper Drake, let's party!! I contributed a few things for Ubuntu, see here.
- I'm going to GUADEC! Really looking forward to meeting lots of people there, especially people I've already been working with for some time :) I'll also stay in Barcelona for an extra week (my wife will meet me there).
- Two (red!) books I wrote (in French) are on their way to the printing press and to the bookshops : one is an introduction to Chinese (see the cover here and the Amazon link here -- available soon), the other one is for French students (99 pieces of advice for "prépa", cover is here, Amazon link here -- available soon, as well!). For the latter, I got some great funny drawings (about 50 of them in the book) from a very nice guy called Gilles Macagno.

- The website gets good audience (about 15 000 visitors last month), hope it will contribute to make things change ! More and more languages available, thanks to a bunch of great contributors from around the world.
- Linux Magazine France published an article I wrote about the Texturize GIMP plugin. It was issued in May 2006, I should be able to upload a PDF once all the copies are sold (maybe it's already the case). Here's the cover (see the strawberries, bottom-right!) :