What the woooorld neeeds now... is not another blog.


Too bad, I have decided to create my own blog. Now that makes three zillions and one. My friend has a blog, my colleague has a blog, my father’s stepmother’s cousin’s former roommate’s dog has its own. Well, why not me ? Hopefully, I’m not dumber than a dog (ever written a song where “dog” rhymes with “blog” ?).

All right, blogger asks me to find an original name for my blog. Original ? Nah, all the cool names are taken for other blogs that people have been creating for centuries (yeah, that’s right). All right, I must confess, I’m a little late on this, and I’m there, among billions of other ants, dreaming about what my life will be, what it should be. Right, that’s it ! I finally got a silly blog name !

I will be writing posts about virtually anything. Feel free to post comments, and to correct my mistakes if you see some. Hope to make it interesting. Hope you enjoy it. Back soon !