Ubuntu & GNOME (2005 — 2007)

Click on an item to get more info :

"Add to panel" dialog

"Exit" dialog

A separator for the panel

"Add to panel" dialog (new)

"Add to panel" dialog

Here's what it used to look like (sorry for the French entries):

and here's what it looks like now (featuring, among other things, an "update as you type" search bar) :

Startup notification : new GNOME users often feel a little puzzled when first logging into their new environment (where to start ?). Here's a notification that only appears the first time you use GNOME :

More about what I did during my Google Summer of Code project here.

"Exit" dialog

Here's what it used to look like :

And here's what it looks like now :

A separator for the panel

The panel still lacked a "Firefox-like" separator to organize applets, so I have made one up. You can add it from the usual "Add to panel dialog" :

and organize your applets like this :

"Add to panel" dialog (new)

The "Launchers & Menus" category has been removed, three elements of which went into "Utilities", and the two others were changed into buttons (with tooltips) :